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Release Notes: March 2023


The March 2023 release from Opala includes the following:


Provider Directory Metadata Endpoint Updated

Release: Enterprise 2023.1.2.1

Opala has updated the endpoint to it's Provider Directory metadata (Capability Statement). The new metadata endpoint is:

When you access this endpoint, Opala returns our Capability Statement in the form of a web page.

Opala Capability Statement

Evolent Member and Coverage Resources Deployed

Release: Enterprise 2023.1.4.0

ETL deployed Evolent member (Patient) and Coverage resources to the Prod environment.

Dominion ETL Deployed

Release: Enterprise 2023.1.4.5

The Dominion Dental ETL processor for ExplanationOfBenefit, Organization, and Practitioner has been deployed to Opala's main FHIR repository.

AIM ETL Deployed

Release: Enterprise 2023.1.4.3

The AIM ETL processor for Questionnaire, QuestionnaireResponse, Condition, and Procedure has been deployed to Opala's main FHIR repository.

CVS Caremark ETL Deployed

Release: Enterprise 2023.1.3.0

The CVS Caremark Pharmacy claims data for ExplanationOfBenefit, Organization, and Practitioner have been deployed to Opala's main FHIR repository.
