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Release Notes: Enterprise 2022.4.3.1


The 2022.4.3.1 release from Opala includes the following updates:


Updated Synthetic Dataset Added to the Sandbox

Opala's Sandbox is used by payers and third-party app developers to test access to the Opala APIs. The data in the Sandbox's FHIR repository has been updated to a richer synthetic dataset. The following resource types have been updated:

Patient                     MedicationRequest
    AllergyIntolerance                     Organization
    CarePlan                     Practitioner
    CareTeam                     PratitionerRole
    Condition                     Procedure
    Goal                 Coverage

Note: The Coverage resource is a non-clinical resource and is only available via Opala's Patient Access API; it is not available using the Payer-to-Payer API.

Resolved Issues

Patient Proxy: ZeOmega Patient ETL Uses Only Unique IDs

The ZeOmega Patient ETL now converts the ZID from a numeric value (how it is received) to a character value (how it is stored) so that a data-type error is no longer generated. Previously, the ETL was storing the ZID valued as a character type without first converting the value from a numeric data type. This created duplicate ZID values—one character type and one numeric type—causing the error.

The Hyphen in a Zip+4 Zip Code Now Removed

Opala now removes the hyphen from the Zip+4 zip code for both incoming and retrieved resources before comparing the addresses to see if they are the same. Previously, the hyphens were not removed from the retrieved data which sometimes caused address mismatches.
