The Opala Patient Access API CARIN for Blue Button® Da Vinci Payer Data Exchange (PDex)
Overview: Resources and Interactions Overview: API Searches
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Version 1.0

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The Practitioner resource covers all individuals engaged in the healthcare process and in healthcare-related services as part of their formal responsibilities. The Resource is used for attribution of activities and responsibilities to these individuals. Practitioners can be

The PractitionerRole (8.5) resource provides details for roles that the practitioner is approved to perform and for which organizations.

Note: The Practitioner resource is not to be used for persons involved without a formal responsibility. For example, individuals taking care of friends, relatives, or neighbors. These persons can be registered as a patient’s contacts, or if performing some action or being referenced by another resource, they can be registered using a RelatedPerson resource.

Related Resources

The Practitioner resource performs different roles within the same or even different organizations. Depending on jurisdiction and custom, it could be necessary to maintain a specific Practitioner resource for each role or have a single Practitioner with multiple roles.

Note: A practitioner’s qualifications are acquired independently of any organization or role, and do not imply that the practitioner is allowed or authorized to perform roles relevant to the qualification at any specific organization or location.

The Practitioner resource is referenced by these resources:

Account DocumentManifest NutritionOrder
AdverseEvent DocumentReference Observation
AllergyIntolerance Encounter Patient
Annotation EnrollmentRequest PaymentNotice
Appointment EnrollmentResponse PaymentReconciliation
AppointmentResponse EpisodeOfCare Person
AuditEvent ExplanationOfBenefit PractitionerRole
Basic Flag Procedure
BiologicallyDerivedProduct Goal Provenance
CarePlan Group QuestionnaireResponse
CareTeam ImagingStudy RequestGroup
CatalogEntry Immunization ResearchStudy
ChargeItem Invoice RiskAssessment
Claim Linkage Schedule
ClaimResponse List ServiceRequest
ClinicalImpression MeasureReport Signature
Contract Media Specimen
CoverageEligibilityRequest MedicationAdministration SupplyDelivery
CoverageEligibilityResponse MedicationDispense SupplyRequest
DetectedIssue MedicationRequest Task
DeviceRequest MedicationStatement VerificationResult
DeviceUseStatement MessageHeader VisionPrescription

The Practitioner resource defines the following Slices :

CARIN for Blue Button®

The C4BBPractitioner structure is derived from USCorePractitionerProfile .

The Practitioner identifier must include either an NPI or a Tax ID.

For More Information