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The Opala Patient Access API Resources and Interactions

SMART App Launch Framework Authorization Flows Access Tokens Scopes Endpoints Working with the FHIR Server

CARIN for Blue Button® Da Vinci Payer Data Exchange (PDex) Mapping Adjudicated Claims and Encounter Information

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The Patient resource covers data for the “who” information about the patient. Its attributes are focused on the demographic information necessary to support administrative, financial, and logistic procedures. Use the Patient resource to fetch basic demographics and administrative information about an individual patient.

A Patient record is generally created and maintained by each organization providing care for the patient; therefore, a patient receiving care at multiple organizations may have information present in multiple Patient Resources.

Note: Not all concepts are included within the base Patient resource; for example, race, ethnicity, organ donor status, and nationality are not included. However, this information may be found in standard extensions or in profiles defined for specific jurisdictions, such as US Meaningful Use Program.

The Patient resource is referenced by these resources:

Annotation DetectedIssue MedicationAdministration
Account Device MedicationDispense
AdverseEvent DeviceRequest MedicationRequest
AllergyIntolerance DeviceUseStatement MedicationStatement
Appointment DiagnosticReport MolecularSequence
AppointmentResponse DocumentManifest NutritionOrder
AuditEvent DocumentReference Observation
Basic Encounter Patient (itself)
BiologicallyDerivedProduct EnrollmentRequest Person
BodyStructure EpisodeOfCare Procedure
CarePlan ExplanationOfBenefit Provenance
CareTeam FamilyMemberHistory QuestionnaireResponse
ChargeItem Flag RelatedPerson
Claim Goal RequestGroup
ClaimResponse Group ResearchSubject
ClinicalImpression GuidanceResponse RiskAssessment
Communication ImagingStudy Schedule
CommunicationRequest Immunization ServiceRequest
Composition ImmunizationEvaluation Signature
Condition ImmunizationRecommendation Specimen
Consent Invoice SupplyDelivery
Contract List SupplyRequest
Coverage MeasureReport Task
CoverageEligibilityRequest Media VisionPrescription

The Patient resource defines the following Slices :


A Patient record’s Resource ID can never change. Therefore, the identifiers with which humans are concerned (often the MRN - Medical Record Number, or UR - Unit Record) should not be used for the resource’s ID, since MRN’s may change (for example, if the patient has duplicate records). Instead, these identifiers should be represented in the Patient.identifier list where they can be managed.

Linking Patient Records

Use the link element to assert that patient resources refer to the same patient, including the following scenarios where multiple patient records exist:

Duplicate Patient records

By using a link replaced-by, the record containing a link is marked as a duplicate and the link points forward to a record that should be used instead. Note that the record pointed to may in its turn have been identified as created in error and forward to yet another Patient resource. Records that replace another record may use a link type of replaces pointing to the old record.

Patient Records in a Patient Index

The link type refer is used to denote a patient record that maintains a summary of patient data and a list of one or more servers that are known to hold a more comprehensive and/or authoritative record of the same patient. This record acts as a Patient Index.

Distributed Patient record

In a distributed record, multiple systems keep separate patient records concerning the same patient. These records are not considered duplicates, but rather contain a distributed, potentially overlapping view of the patient’s data. In these records, links of type see also can be used to point to other patient records; these links need not be bilateral.

Person Resource vs. Patient Resource

On the surface the Person resource appears to be similar to the Patient resource; however, the Person resource is used to link instances of resources believed to be the same individual together. For example, you could use the Person entry to cross check changes to information made to one part of a record with values in another system. vs. RelatedPerson

The contact element always travels with the Patient resource and cannot be used as the target of a reference. When related people need to be referenced by other resources, the USCoreRelatedPerson (8.2) resource must be used instead of the Patient Resource.

The relationship between a mother and a child

During a maternity encounter, the Patient and Encounter resources for the mother are used. After the child is born, new Patient, Encounter and RelatedPerson (for the mother) records are created. The child’s encounter should reference the mother’s encounter using the partOf property.

Using an MPI

The Master Patient Index (MPI) search targets and locates a specific single patient to record information about, therefore, reducing errors through selecting the wrong patient.

This is distinct from a regular search, which is used for finding lists of patients that share a property in common, such as living in a specific location, or fitting within an age range.

CARIN for Blue Button®

The C4BB Patient structure is derived from USCorePatientProfile (3.12.1) and is used to convey information about the patient who received the services described on the claim. The USCorePatientProfile sets minimum expectations for the Patient resource.

Anticipated Queries

Use Postman to test Opala's Patient Access API by querying the API and returning the results. The Opala Collection is a group of API requests that are already saved in the Postman app and arranged in folders. You can access Opala's Patient Access Sandbox and, if you have the correct credentials, the production environment as well. For more information see Setting Up Postman in this documentation set.

The Patient resource encompasses demographics and other administrative information about an individual receiving care or other health-related services.

Search for a Patient by ID

This query retrieves the instance of Patient for a patient with a specific ID.

[baseurl]/Patient/[patient ID]

Search for a Patient by Name

This query retrieves the instance of Patient for a patient with the specified name.


Search for Mulitple Resources: Patient Observation and Condition

This query below includes both Observation and Condition resources for the specified patient using multiple _revinclude parameters.


Search for ExplanationOfBenefit by Patient

This query includes any patient the ExpanationOfBenefit resource refers to.


Search for a Patient with a Specific Observation Code

The query retrieves all Patient resources that are referenced by an Observation with a specified code (842).

GET [baseurl]/Patient?_has:Observation:patient:code=842

For More Information
