The Opala Provider Directory API
Plan-Net Resource Profiles

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Plan-Net Practitioner (7.60.1)

The Practitioner resource profile describes a person who is engaged in the healthcare process and healthcare-related services either directly or indirectly. This profile defines how the Practitioner resource records, searches, and fetches basic demographics and other administrative information about an individual practitioner.

Note: A practitioner’s language skills can be encoded through the communication field and the communication-proficiency extension. Qualifications that may be of interest to the consumer can be communicate through the qualification field and its associated extension. For languages not enumerated in the CommonLanguages Value Set the BCP47 Language Subtag lookup tool may be useful to identify an appropriate language code.

The Practitioner structure is derived from the U.S. Core Practitioner profile.

The Practitioner FHIR Resource defines a comprehensive set of data elements, many of which are not relevant to this use case. When reviewing the Profile Snapshot , several data elements previously hidden are now exposed. Fields intended for consideration to be provided in the API are marked as Must Support and either display a red S in the Flags column or have a minimum cardinality of 1. All other data elements are not expected to be sent by a Responder.

This structure refers to the following extensions:

Note: When the value set for the coded concept in qualification is insufficient, the qualification can be provided in the text field of the codeableConcept.


Many of the defined elements in a resource are references to other resources. Using these references, the resources combine to build a web of information about healthcare. The Practitioner profile references these resources:

Anticipated Queries

Use Postman to test Opala's Provider Directory API by querying the API and returning the results. The Opala Collection is a group of API requests that are already saved in the Postman app and arranged in folders. Within each folder are pre-defined requests that you can run as-is or modify to fit your own needs.

See the Setting Up Postman topic in this documentation set for information on how to import the Opala Collection into your local copy of Postman.

You can view Opala's Capability Statement at for a description of the Provider Directory API to assist you in making your queries.

Search Practitioner

Retrieve all Practitioner resources.

GET {{base_url}}/Practitioner

Search by Family Name

Select Practitioners with the specified family name.

GET {{base_url}}/Practitioner?family=[family]

Search by Given Name

Select Practitioners with the specified given name.

GET {{base_url}}/Practitioner?given=[given]

Search by Idenfitier

Select Practitioners with the specified identifier.

GET {{base_url}}/Practitioner?us-core-practitioner-identifier=[us-core-practitioner-identifier]

GET {{base_url}}/Practitioner?identifier=[identifier]


More Information about the plannetPractitioner profile
