The Opala Provider Directory API Setting Up Postman
Plan-Net Resource Profiles

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Plan-Net Resource Profiles

Opala's Provider Directory supports the Da Vinci PDEX Plan-Net standard for search and retrieval. Resources in Plan-Net are described as profiles. The profile is presented in five different forms.

Form Description
Text Summary Presents a short summary human readable summary of the profile - a combination of the author’s summary, and some automatically generated summary content
Differential Table A view of the differential statement (see above). For context, additional information not in the differential is also shown partially transparent
Snapshot Table A view of the snapshot produced by the profile (see above). The information is a comprehensive view of what the profile means
XML Template A view of the profile in XML format
JSON Template A view of the profile in JSON format

The Provider Directory API currently supports the following profiles:

OPALA FHIR Profile Information Cross-Referential Diagram

Cross-Referential Diagram

Base URL

Use the following base URL to access any of the endpoints listed above:

Add the search criteria to this URL to retrieve the endpoint's data.

Note. Results are limited to 10,000. If your query returns more files than that, Opala gives a 413 error. To avoid this (or to further limit your results if you recieve a 413), filter the results using search criteria to limit the number of files returned.

Opala's legacy base URL for the Provider Directory will remain accessible through 2023. To request data from the Provider Directory using the legacy URL use:

Metadata URL

To access the provider directory's metadata endpoint (i.e., the Capability Statement), use the following URL: