The Opala Solution
The Opala Member Attribution (ATR) API Overview: Da Vinci ATR List Getting Started Bulk Export
ATR Resource Profiles

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Group (ATR)

This profile represents an instance of Member Attribution List. The Group resource instance contains information related to members who are attributed to a specific individual provider or a provider organization.

The instance may also contain information about the contract—settlement entity details. In addition, the NPI and TIN of the consumer (provider) organization may be contained within the instance.

Attribution information such as the attributed period and attributed provider are also contained within the Group resource. Members may be added or removed from the member attribution list.

Group.member has a cardinality of 0..* because Groups may have zero members when they are initially created with members added at a later point in time. The Group.member.inactive flag is used to indicate that the patient is no longer part of the Member Attribution List.

The Group instance is retrieved using search parameters outlined in the Group discovery APIs .

The retrieved Group resource instance, which represents the Member Attribution List, has member and other related resource references. In order to retrieve the complete Member Attribution List information including member, coverage, attributed provider information, a Bulk API request is initiated on the retrieved Group resource.

This structure refers to these other structures:


The following link provide examples in XML, JSON, and TTL for the Group profile.

For More Information
